
Monday, September 9, 2019

Project Outline Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project Outline - Assignment Example h and Development unit of the Property Development Department of the Government (PDDG) is working on a program called the Seismic Zone Residential Construction Improvement Program. PDDG is working to assess the effectiveness of the boxes of a particular dimension used in the foundation of buildings. For successful accomplishment of project objectives, the project team would follow a linear project management life cycle as highlighted by Wysocki (2009). In this context, project management team would interview the stakeholders and review the scope of work to identify in detail their requirements and product specifications to come up with comprehensively planned schedule and cost for client’s approval. The required number of the resources would be shared between the project and department. In this case, functional managers would be responsible for directing the required resources to the project for completion of tasks. PMBOK (2008) defines WBS as a deliverable oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work executed by the project team to achieve end project objectives and create the required deliverables. Major project deliverables are represented by upper level of WBS that are further decomposed logically until the first level is no more decomposable. Lowest level of the project WBS is called work packages which contains most of the planned work and activities required to be executed and monitored. Figure below shows the WBS for the project. The purpose of the schedule management plan is to measure the project progress during different phases. In this regard, baselines are identified and established in early parts of the project against which appropriate data is collected and measurements are taken (Mulcahy 2011). It also provides guidelines on project time estimation processes making estimates faster and accurate. During the project execution, schedule management plan is used to determine if the deviation or variance is above the allowable threshold and

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