
Monday, September 30, 2019

Mandala: United States and Bright Colors Essay

My name is Meleea Giordano – Briggs. Athletic, friendly , and loving are the best three words that describe me. These three words that describe me in my own way and characteristics that make me the way I am now. The first symbol that represents me is colors. I love the bright colors in my room and wearing bright colors. Bright colors just make my day full of joy ! Me wearing bright colors represents myself as being kind. When I see bright colors , I think of Fall , Summer and Spring. Just seeing these bright pretty colors on the tree’s when the tree’s are turning colors because of fall and seeing the different color flowers blooming in the spring time and seeing the rainbow’s and flowers in the summer time make me happy. The second symbol represents , Live , Laugh and Love. I describe live as living your day to fullest and making anything you want come true. Laugh represents having a good time in life , school , family and friends. Last is love , love is the most important. You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else back. You should always love your family before anything or anyone else , because family helps and supports you anything you want or want to accomplish in life. Even though your friends will be there too support you , your family will always be there for you no matter what. My last symbol represents sports. This is volleyball and track. All my life I have been doing sports. Sports are my life , I never take a break from doing sports and couldn’t live a day without doing sports. Sports set a goal for me , it sets I can get a scholarship to any college or university in the United Sates , also sets you to maintain a good grade point average and to get all A’s and B’s. When I play sports I make sure my grades are excellent because if there not , I will not be able to do sports, and it doesn’t matter if you are the best athlete on the team they are not going to let you play because of grades, because school comes first! These are the symbols the most represents me and represents me and what I do in my daily life. Without these symbols I would be nothing , because these symbols put me together .

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Legal & ethical Essay

This essay is based on a case scenario and will critically analyse the ethical dilemmas that health and social care practitioner’s encounter with regards to: implications of consent, disclosure of personal information and maintaining patient confidentiality. The legal aspects of the scenario will be discussed in relation to the breaching of confidentiality and how the Data Protection Act (1998) can conflict with other legislation intended to protect patient’s rights. In addition it will identify the consequences of non-disclosure in comparison to disclosure without consent, whilst adhering to the General Medical Council (GMC) guidelines. Finally it will explain the scenario from a utilitarian viewpoint as well as deontological perspective. Please refer to appendix for case study. In the case scenario, Dr Gomez’s patient Bob is diagnosed with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and has been advised to inform his partner Sue of his condition. Sue is seven months pregnant with their first child. However, on a subsequent visit to the clinic, Bob has indicated he has not notified his partner or previous sexual partners of his HIV status. Dr Gomez once again tries to persuade Bob to divulge his condition, he emphasises the importance of Sue being tested for HIV, and just as importantly the necessity to assess whether the baby is at risk. Meanwhile however, Bob is still adamant he will not notify Sue and says that if his HIV is disclosed to her without his consent he will discontinue his course of treatment, which he began on the previous visit. There are guidelines and legislation in place to assist the health and social care professional in making decisions. The law (GMC, 2001) states doctors are legally committed and duty bound to maintain their patient’s confidentiality. In this scenario the doctor is presented with both an ethical and legal dilemma. According to Sussex et al (2008) an ethical dilemma arises when there is no clear solution to a problem. The ethical dilemmas that Dr Gomez is concerned with are the wellbeing of Bob, Sue, the unborn child and Bob’s previous sexual partners and finally the legal dilemma is the possible breaching of Bob’s confidentiality by informing Sue of her partners HIV status. Gallant (2008) describes HIV as a virus which attacks the immune system, thus weakening the ability to fight infections and disease, eventually the body becomes incapable of fighting off infection and this is when the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) develops. Gallant goes on to say there is no cure for HIV however, if the condition is  detected in the early stage, there is available treatment which help the infected person live a longer life than they would without intervention. Kourtis and Bulterys (2010) declare HIV can be transmitted through unprotected sex and also from mother to unborn child. From that information it could be argued that if the doctor did not inform Bob’s partner of his condition then it could have serious health implications to her and the unborn child. Thorne & Newell (2005) suggest that if the mother was already infected the virus could be spread to the baby through several ways, such as; via the placenta, during a virginal birth or when breast feeding. The GMC (2001) states that confidentiality is an important duty but not absolute, and they further outline the behaviour expected by medical professionals. In addition they state personal information can be disclosed without consent in exceptional circumstances such as, when disclosure is of interest to the public because they or the patient may be at serious risk. The National Health Service Act (2006), section 251 (Legislation 2006) mirrors the GMC by stating that confidentiality can be breached when a healthcare professional makes the decision to protect others, this is re-enacted in section 60 (1b) of the Health and Social Care Act (2001) (Legislation 2001). In addition Aidsmap (2010) indicates the Health and Social Care Act (2008) made changes to the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act (1984) by adding Part 2A. The article goes on to say the updated Act introduced what is known as the ‘all hazards’ approach in relation to public health powers. This means instead of specifying in law a list of infections to which public health powers can be applied, any infection could be subject to public health powers if the infection ‘presents or could present significant harm to human health’ and if the infected person ‘might infect others’ [Part 2A section 45G]. This implies Dr Gomez has a duty to breach his patient’s confidentiality and inform Sue of Bob’s condition. However, these afore mentioned Acts infringe article 8 of the Human Rights Act (1998) (Legislation 1998) which states patients have the right to have ‘respect for private life and family life.’ Leading on from that; it is vital that health professionals are aware of their legal, ethical and professional position as Mason et al (2002) implies confidentiality is at the heart of the code of ethics for medicine. For these reasons it is imperative professionals working in this field are aware that article 8 of the Human Rights Act (1998) can be cancelled out by both the Data Protection Act (1998) (Legislation 2012) and the Public Interest Disclosure Act (1998) (Legislation 1998). Eckstein (2003) indicates that the Data Protection Act (1998) (Legislation 2012) gives guidance on the use and storage of confidential information and also states the circumstances when confidential information can be disclosed in order to protect others so long as the action of disclosure can be justified. The Medical Protection Society (2012) states a justifiable reason for breaching a patient’s confidentiality would be when a patient has a communicable disease and is in jeopardy of putting others at risk. Legislation is not the only factor which influences decision. Hepworth et al (2011) indicates that it is important that professional healthcare workers understand they could intentionally or unintentionally be prejudiced by their own ‘personal’ values. The Oxford Dictionary (2001) defines ‘value’ as: the worth, desirability or utility of a thing, or the qualities on which these depend. Therefore before making a decision on what to do, Dr Gomez will have to ensure that his ‘personal’ values will not influence his decision or more importantly conflict with his patient’s values or legislation. Clarke (2000) cited in Holland (2004) suggests a doctor may feel responsible for his patient refusing treatment if he discloses without permission, as the patient is his first priority and must come first. At the same time Dr Gomez could equally feel a conflict of responsibility towards Sue and her unborn child, firstly because if she is not told of the situation and then at a later date she and their child are diagnosed with HIV, it would mean that their HIV status may be more advanced with the prolonging of treatment. Secondly the child may well have not transmitted the condition if there had been an early prognosis. On the other hand if Bob discontinues with his treatment it could have devastating and irreversible effects. As reported by The AIDS Beacon (2011), consequences of interrupting or stopping treatments can have a detrimental effect. They indicate those who interrupt treatment are more prone to opportunistic infections as well as HIV related illnesses such as shingles, Candida infections, and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, than those who had no treatment interruptions. Furthermore, they conclude patients with treatment interruptions have a slightly higher HIV-related death rate compared to those with no interruptions. According to the GMC (2001), Dr Gomez is duty bound to respect Bob’s right to choice in refusing treatment. Jackson (2006) implies two of the most important core principles when working in medicine are obtaining consent and respecting the patient’s autonomy. Whilst Beauchamp and Childress (2001) describe autonomy as being akin to self-governance, for example being able to understand, reason, deliberate and have the capability to independently choose. To apply their definition to this situation Dr Gomez should once again try to persuade Bob to confide in Sue, whilst informing him of and ensuring he understands the risks he imposes to her, the unborn child and himself if he discontinues treatment, thus empowering Bob to act autonomously through understanding, taking responsibility and control of his situation. Beauchamp and Childress (2001) further argue that some people fail to self-govern in some situations because of restrictions caused by illness, depression or ignorance. If after giving all this information to Bob and he still refuses to confide in his partner, it could result in the forcing of the doctor to act in a paternalistic manner, meaning that he will have to make the decision for Bob. This according to Jackson (2006) would infringe on Bob’s right to autonomy. Leading on from this, it is equally important the doctor should explore the reasons as to why Bob does not want to disclose to Sue. According to The Free Dictionary (2009) to give consent to something; means that the patient must agree to the medical professional sharing their medical history. Research conducted by Cameron et al (2005) suggests that a person with HIV, reasoning for withholding consent could be due to the fear of rejection by their partner, they go on to imply that a HIV impaired person is not withholding out of maleficence but rather that the patient may be trying to balance deontology with utilitarianism. Bernat (2008) states, Kant was the founder of the modern school of deontology and he goes on to define deontology as an ethical theory that the morality of an action should be based on whether that action itself is right or wrong under a series of rules, rather than based on the consequences of the action. Kant believed that we should never tell a lie no matter what the consequences. According to Morrison (2009) critics of Kantianism argue that deontology is inflexible as it means that an action is either right or wrong, with no ambiguity whatsoever for example; lying is always wrong, even if the lie is to avoid hurting someone’s feelings. Ross (1994) cited in Littleton and Engebretson  (2002), argues that deontology is insufficient to guide all decision making in ethical situations. Mill (2009) believes that utilitarianism is when a morally right act has to bring about the greatest happiness for the majority of people. Though he did express that if an act was carried out for the purpose of good intent but later that act concluded with a negative impact then it would be deemed immoral. Both utilitarianism and deontology theories have strengths and weaknesses. Williams a critique of utilitarianism (Smart and Williams, 1998) argues that happiness is an emotion which cannot be quantified or measured and that utilitarianism means any action could be deemed moral in the pursuit of happiness such as genocide, torture and killing innocent people. Holland (2004) states that when balancing the rights and wrongs of a situation it is known as performing a utilitarianism calculation. This process is achieved by considering both utilitarianism and deontological perspectives when making an ethical decision. Morrison (2009) states that Kant believed a moral person is one who would be honest and considerate and therefore he would argue that the doctor would also be acting immorally by wanting to disclose to Sue and thus breaking Bob’s rights to confidentiality. Whereas from and utilitarian perspective Mill (2009) would argue that Dr Gomez should breach Bob’s rights in order to protect Sue and their unborn child as it could be argued that Dr Gomez would be doing this for the greater good of many. In addition if Dr Gomez did not inform Bob’s partner of his HIV condition then he would also be breaching the General Medical Councils guidance, as stated previously. This failure could then lead to Dr Gomez being disciplined, as he is duty bound as a doctor to protect others from serious communicable diseases, which is a justifiable reason for breaching the confidentiality of a patient (GMC 2001). At the same time it could be reasoned Bob does not want to disclose to Sue because of fear of discrimination. The Terence Higgins Trust website (2012) states that a 2010 survey revealed 66% of the public believed that there is still a stigma attached to HIV. The findings go on to say that a huge majority of discrimination is found within the National Health Service, encountered from the likes of healthcare workers, dentists, general practitioners and hospital staff. It continues by saying HIV prejudice can compromise personal relationships and that fear and isolation can lead the infected person to mental health issues such as depression. The website  goes on to express that these findings are supported by a 2012 study which highlighted one in four HIV infected people had a current depressive disorder. The article further goes on to suggest that legislation such as the Equality Act (2010) (Legislation 2010) gives people living with HIV protection against discrimination but also argues that it does not always stop injustices, and when discrimination occurs it can be expensive to take legal action, especially with the current government cutting back on the legal aid budget. When it comes to making a difficult decision it could be argued that health and social care workers need the support of colleagues. Doctor Gomez may which to seek advice to help guide him in the situation, and the medical practitioner under the GMC (2001) guidelines is within his rights to discuss the situation with a colleague so long as this is done anonymously when consent is not given. This means that in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998) the name, date of birth, gender, address and contact detail should remain confidential. However, Dr Gomez still needs to protect his patient’s wishes to confidentiality even when consulting with another medical professional for example, Bob’s General Practitioner (GP). Although HIV is infectious it would not be deemed as putting the GP at unnecessary risk by not disclosing, as universal precautions, such as protective gloves, are in place to protect individuals from infection, this indicates that if the GP follows these precautions they will be safe from contracting the infection (GMC, 2001). As previously mentioned HIV can be spread from mother to unborn child, this is another important reason why either the doctor or Bob need to inform Sue, for both her and the child’s health and safety. Porter et al, 2003, cited in Thorne and Newell (2005) convey the findings of a 2003 study, which indicated that two million women became newly infected with HIV mainly through heterosexual transmission and that 630,000 children acquired the infection mostly through mother-to-child transmission in the same year. The article continues by stating that without antiretroviral therapy the median time between primary infection and the development of AIDS is approximately ten years, and AIDS to death around two years. Thorne and Newell (2005) further states and highlights that the use of antiretroviral therapy substantially delays the progression of HIV and are highly effective in reducing the transmission from mother-to-baby. In addition it also recommends the baby be delivered  via an elective caesarean section, before the onset of labour and membrane rupture, furthermore it advocates the use of formula feed rather than breast feeding. Finally, Thorne and Newell (2005) reveal that since 1999 all pregnant women are offered the option of being tested for HIV as part of their antenatal care, again this emphasises the need for Sue to be aware of her partners condition so as she can make an informed decision as to whether or not she should be tested. If Sue has not contracted HIV yet, she is still at great risk of doing so as HIV is spread through infected semen (NHS Choices, 2012), she and Bob may well be having unprotected intercourse due to her already being pregnant; as it is not necessary for them to use contraception to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. All this suggest Dr Gomez would be advised to take the utilitarian perspective in the case scenario, as there would be too many consequences for him if he took the deontological approach. He could not legally or morally justify non-disclosure. Finally, according to Rowe et al (2001), who carried out a study, on behalf of the World Health Organisation, in order to identify any inequalities within the treatment of patients, suggest it would be advisable for the local authorities to perform a Health Needs Assessment (HNA) of the local community. They explain the stages as a process which describes the health of the population, highlights major risk factors and causes of ill health and identifies the actions which are needed to address these issues. Rowe et al go on to recognise Bradshaw’s taxonomy of needs (Bradshaw 1972, cited in McLachlan 1972) they convey these needs as ‘normative’, for example the medical definition of HIV. The ‘felt need’, such as the need to have advice on having safe sex, the ‘expressed need’ for instance seeking advice about safe sex and finally the ‘comparative need’, offering a service that gives guidance on safe sex, only to those of a legal age. Rowe et al go on to argue that HNA is an important way of identifying inequalities within the local community. This essay has critically analysed the ethical aspects of a case scenario which was based on the breaching of patients confidentiality. It reflects on the importance of consent and disclosure of confidential information and in addition it presents a balanced argument for potential harm of non-disclosure to all parties involved. Furthermore it has discussed and critically analysed the principles of legislation such as the Data Protection Act 1998 and the conflicts that arise through other Acts, in  particular the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Equality Act 2010. Penultimately this essay discusses how the use of the utilitarian and deontological perspectives can help an individual to formulate a legal resolution. Finally the case scenario emphasises the necessity for codes of conduct and legislation in a health and social care setting. These are in place to guide the professional to act in an appropriate legal and ethical manner.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What are the management problem faced by NGOs Dissertation

What are the management problem faced by NGOs - Dissertation Example The UN definition of an NGO or a non-governmental organization is a legally established organization formulated by legal persons that functions individually without any assistance from any government. In the cases where NGOs are being funded completely or partly by governments, the NGO will keep its non-governmental standing by eliminating government representatives from participating in the organization (Gamboni, 2006). The word is usually relevant only to organizations that follow some wider social purpose that has political characteristics, but that are not openly political organizations such as political parties. According to a definition by World Bank, the NGOs are "private organizations that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests of the poor, protect the environment, provide basic social services, or undertake community development" (World Bank, 2007). A 1995 UN report on the global authority predicted that there are approximately 29,000 international NGOs. National numbers have risen even higher than that: The United States alone has an estimated number of 2 million NGOs, among which most were formulated in the past 30 years. On the other hand, we see that Russia has 65,000 NGOs. Many of the NGOs are created every day. In Kenya only, around 240 NGOs come into being with the passing of every year. Many different types of organizations are now defined as being NGOs. There is no commonly recognized description of an NGO and the word carries diverse meanings in different situations. Nonetheless, there are some important features. Undoubtedly, an NGO must be liberated from the direct control of any government (Lewis, 2006). Also according to Lewis (2006), there are three more widely recognized features that eliminate specific types of bodies from consideration. An NGO will not be established as a political party; it will always remain non-profit-making and it shall never take part in any criminal activities, and most importantly it will be non-violent. These features relate to general usage, because they equal the conditions set for acknowledgment by the United Nations (Lewis, 2006) The borders can sometimes be slightly diminished: various NGOs may in reality be closely related to a political party; many NGOs create revenue from activities that are commercial, predominantly consultancy contracts or publication sales; and a minute number of NGOs may be related to intense political disputes. However, according to Nanda (2010) an NGO is never founded as a government bureaucracy, a criminal association, a party or a rebel group. Thus, an NGO is majorly projected as an autonomous volunteer association of pe ople working together on a constant basis, for some mutual drive, other than attaining government office, generating revenues or taking part in illegal doings. Furthermore, according to Nanda (2010) the term NGO is very comprehensive and includes many different types of organizations. In the arena of development, NGOs vary in size from large charities based in the North such as CARE, Oxfam and World Vision to community-based NGOs in the South.   They also comprise of research institutes, professional associations churches as well as lobby groups. An increasing figure of NGOs are involved in both operational and sponsorship workings. Moreover, some of the advocacy groups, while not being openly involved in planning and executing projects, concentrate on particular project-related concerns (Willitts, 2002). According to Ronalds (2010), NGOs are existent for a range of purposes, typically to promote the political as well as social goals of their associates. The examples of this could include cultivating the state of the natural environment, boosting the adherence of human rights, enlightening the general masses about the welfare of the disadvantaged, or demonstrating on behalf of a corporate agenda. However, there is a plethora of such organizations and their aims cover a comprehensive range of political and philosophical situations. This can

Friday, September 27, 2019

Mangment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mangment - Assignment Example With the rapid approval of the unions in an unorganized organization, the AFL-CIO had taken these unions under the consideration of being legitimate unions, formed for the lower work team of an organization. After announced to be having a strong support of the AFL-CIO, the unions set up for marketing the work force that didn’t get themselves registered to the unions. Unions have used the government agencies and the media as a gateway to reach to the unorganized work force (Bridgesmith). The unions are set to maintain the conduct unbecoming of the employers who often pressurized the working class. Having polls via telephones to the prior information of the unregistered workforce and convince them towards the goals of the unions. The unions have been persuading many politicians under their banner and they are seeking a relation with the civic leaders of the population. As unions have been taking its measures to attract the workforce at their benefits, many of the organizations a ccepted the reality of having a mutual understanding with their work team. The organizations have undergone their supervisors on a new training of facing the workforce with more enthusiastically. The unions can disrupt the environment of an organization that affects the productivity levels of the production. Organizations of restrain to be entitled for a court summon, sent to them through the unions on the accusation of having an unorganized working atmosphere. â€Å"Many employers prefer a union-free workplace in large part because they feel that, without union intervention, they are better able to provide competitive wages and benefits and communicate directly with their employees† (Littler). In a more generalized view on the existence of the unions, it has marked a specific market. If anyone supports the ideology on the non existence of a union, then it is subtle to grab the fact that unions were formed under the tyranny of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

IP6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IP6 - Essay Example m is that the ownership of the brand and the modus operandi for the delivery of the product are retained by the franchisor, and execution is a franchisee responsibility† (Franchising as Entrepreneurship, n.d.) As an entrepreneur, I have to concentrate only on the execution area of the business rather than running after business idea, business plan, and training of the employees. The required product for the business and the business strategies will be readily available for me if I opt for franchising. â€Å"Business format franchisees typically perform services, but may sell and install a product in conjunction with such service (e.g., fast food restaurants, automotive aftermarket product replacement services.† (Jamie G, 2009)† For example suppose I opt for the franchising business of a service delivery system (SDS) of fast food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). The KFC company will take responsibility of providing me the product (Chicken and other associated ite ms), the training of my staffs (like how to approach and behave with the customers, what strategies must be taken for attracting more customers, precautions required for keeping the products clean and fresh, hygienic conditions requirements, etc), sales promotion strategies, and all the other activities required for the successful execution of the business. I have to concentrate fully on the implementation part of the business like, how well the instructions obtained from the franchisee is being executed in my firm. Customer demands may be different at different locations and hence the franchisor must make custom made SDS for each location. For example, a franchisor who works on fast food services, must recognize the needs of the customers in each locations since the eating habits of people can be different based on region, religion and culture. The eating habits of Muslim people may be different from that of Christian and Jews people. As a franchisor I have to consider all such factors to fine tune

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

An insight into Japanese culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An insight into Japanese culture - Essay Example The essay "An insight into Japanese culture" discusses the novel "Snow Country" as an insight into Japanese culture which talks about two people, Komako, who is a geisha in the small village and Shimamaru, a wealthy visitor man from Tokyo. Shikamaru is shown to be unacquainted with the place, and refers it to as a ‘distant land’. The story revolves around the both of them, trying to establish a relationship and connect with each other; but they are unable to do so, in the long run, and they fail to realize this. The novel changed my thoughts regarding the Japanese culture as I got to know more about the customs and rules of the people over there. The restrictions imposed by them over the people who are living there comes as a surprise in this environment. Previously I presumed that geishas were fictitious but as I read the novel I came to know the importance of geishas in the Japanese culture. The hospitality in the Japanese culture can be witnessed by the actions of the individuals that play a role in the novel. Komako, although tries very hard to maintain the traditional geisha image, she is unable to. Her feelings for Shikamaru were too strong and she could not ignore them. This differed with the traditional role of a geisha. But Komako’s aim of becoming a geisha to pay for that man’s treatment aligns with the customary role of a geisha. Geishas are normally said to accept their professions, in order to provide sustenance to their families and to help out with the bills and payments.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Approaches to management and leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Approaches to management and leadership - Essay Example Western notions of leadership and management are distinct as to say that these compel tasks to be done by hook or by crook. For that, Western approaches to management have always been strictly based upon certain principles. The primary objective that includes all those principles is the objective of economic gain. Financial stability or the policy called Laisez Faire has always been on the forefront of promoting business by any means. In achieving this purpose, the workers or the employees are considered to be a means towards an end. In the Marxist point of view, the employees are next to commodities that are extensively used to generate revenue (Kumar & Ghosh, pp. 2-4, 2003). Whether we talk about the 19th Century when agricultural society was transforming into an industrial society or we talk about the contemporary world, the Western approaches have always been alike. Earlier, in the Western society, employees were treated a little less than human and were merely considered as mean s. Western philosophers and theorists like Plato, Machiavelli, Karl Marx, John Adair and many others have proposed certain theories that are applied to the Western management approaches and concepts. The theories like situational, trait and contingency theories are inculcated in the leadership concepts and these advocate that leaders have the mandate to use power and control over the manipulation of circumstances or adapt certain traits that they think are required in the present situation and that enhance their skills. Experts suggest that the approach towards leadership in the Western parameter revolves around certain traits that are utterly distinctive and differentiate the Western writers from the Eastern concepts. These characteristics are goal orientation, at first. Western leadership approach tend to direct itself to a certain prescribed goal while having multiples of these, however, Eastern theorists do not tend to think that having one single goal in mind can work in the lo ng run but a leader is one who has to manage multiple tasks together. Secondly, the concept of leadership in the West also stresses upon the characteristic of one-on-one relations. As mentioned earlier, the leader has more than merely a cursory view of the work that the subordinates assume. Moreover, the individual concerns get individual and formal time rather than incorporating them in a socialized gathering. Thirdly, Western approach bases there results on a short-term level; they are indeed goal oriented but they tend to achieve a single goal at a certain point in time and attain there short-term prospective before moving forward. Rationalism and a logical attitude is the final characteristic that defines the Western arena of leadership. The Western leadership concept tries to base all its step, methods and procedures on appropriate reasoning rather than on emotional grounds. Marx argues that the people in the managerial position are in control of the means of production of the organization and thus are not liable to any one. He analyzed that they have the power and thus, they exploit the subordinates in order to make a task done and meet the goals of the organization. Moreover, the theorist also cites that these are the people who are in close contact with the owners who gratuitously rely upon them as making and breaking of policies for the organization since they are considered as the best skilled people for this job. Thus, the overall control comes in handy to the managers who try to perpetuate the school of thought, which they have already learned from their learning institutes (Kumar & Ghosh, pp. 73-74, 2003). One major thing that separates the Eastern concepts of management and leadership from those of the Western

Monday, September 23, 2019

Role of Operations Management Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Role of Operations Management Paper - Essay Example Here I will provide a detailed overview of the operations management and handling. Here I have chosen the Tata Motors for the overall research and analysis of the corporate operations management. The subject of the operations management spotlights on cautious running the procedures to construct as well as allocate services and products. Typically, small industries do not speak regarding area of operations management and its implementation; on the other hand they carry out the actions that management schools normally linked through the expression the operations management (McNamara, 2009). Organizations are by and large involved in operational management for the reason that it gives deep insight into how well and competently the activities and operations of an organization to renovate input into useful products for the operation of business are working (Fisher College of Business, 2008). This research will provide the detailed analysis of the TATA MOTORS and its associated operation management. Here I will elaborate the different areas those are executed under this paradigm in a business. This analysis will offer a deep insight into the overall working and operations in opera tions management. Most important and on the whole tasks of an organization frequently consist of manufacturing goods or production and their distribution. These tasks are as well linked by means of service and product management. However, product management is typically in view to one or additional directly linked goods that is, a manufactured goods line (McNamara, 2009). Operations management is in observation to the entire processes inside the business. Linked tasks and actions encompass organizing acquiring, record control, excellence control, logistics, storage as well as assessments. A huge deal of ideas is on competence as well as efficiency of procedures. Consequently, operations management frequently comprises considerable capacity assessment as well as investigation of interior

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Patents and Trademark Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Patents and Trademark Law - Case Study Example First they should make an application to the UK patent office. At the patent office they are required to fill a document called 'complete specification. This form contains a description of the article, process or machine, including working instructions and a statement of 'claims' which the inventor seeks his monopoly. It is against these claims that any infringement is judged. The patent office will carry out research to test for novelty. According to the result of the search the applicant may decide to abandon or modify his application or request an examination by a qualified patent office examiner. The main task of the examiner is to see that the claims of the specification describe things that are not only new, but also inventive. Once the examiner is satisfied the specification is published and for 3 months afterwards any interested party can object by notice to the patent office. In the event of no opposition or failure of objections the 'letters patent' will be seated and the p atentee can sue in the High Court for any infringement. Once granted, the patent covers the UK and is in force for 4 years, and it can be renewed annually for a further 16 years after which it can be extended by an application to the High court for a further 5 to 10 years. After duty registering their Pete Tom and Pete Soil manufacturer will have the patent rights and they can reinforce a legal action against anyone making, using, selling, offering for sale or importing their patented invention. In the event of the competitors proceeding to invent the polythene bags, Tom and Pete Soil can approach the court and fire a civil suit. In the court section 60 (1)4, patents Act 1977 states that "Subject to the provision of this section, a person infringes a patent for an invention if, but only if, while the patent is in force, he does any of the following things in the united Kingdom in relation to the invention without that consent of the proprietor of the patent, that is to say:- Where the invention is a process, he uses the process or he offers it for use in the United Kingdom when he knows, or it is obvious to a reasonable person in the circumstances, that its use there without the consent of the proprietor would be an infringement of the parent. Therefore the aggrieved party can seek the assistance of the courts which will issue an injunction barring the competitors i.e. FR & ED as well as Salisbury supermarkets from inventing and selling the polythene growing bags. Further Messrs Soil can prevent

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Video game literature review Essay Example for Free

Video game literature review Essay Violent video games are said to have a negative effect on those who play them, but there is also the debate that violent video games help those who play them rather than hurt them. There is a rating system that separates games into groups from games for everyone all the way to games that can only be bought if youre eighteen and older. The main questions with this rating system seem to be, Where do we draw the line, and Who draws the line? All to often younger teens get their hands on the video games that are made for the eighteen and older crowd, but will the game actually have a negative effect on the teen, or will it help the teen by allowing them to vent some anger or make them feel good about themselves because they solved a difficult puzzle within the game. As you may have seen there are many contrasting viewpoints, but before we explore the contrasting views on violent video games, we should try to understand our own views, and those of others who take positions that are different from ours, by reviewing some key insights. First we can start with the insights of a few different people who dont think violent video games are bad for teens. From there we can move to a couple of pieces that think violent video games are bad. To finish we will look at an article doesnt take a stance either way, but does provide some very good facts. Greg Costikyan, also known as Designer X, is an American game designer and science fiction writer. Costikyans career spans nearly all genres of gaming, including hex-based war games, role-playing games, board games, card games, computer games, online games and mobile games. Several of his games have won Awards. In Costikyans argument, The Problem of Video Game Violence is Exaggerated, he tackles violence in video games from many different angles such as video game advertising, the successful way to incorporate violence into video games, how violence is part of human nature, and the ignorance of the opposing viewpoint. When reading the argument it is easy to see that Costikyans viewpoint is biased, but he does a good job of stating the opposition and then shooting it down with his own research, and he does not avoid certain questions just to prove his point. I think that Costikyan makes his best argument when he talks about the artistic use of violence in video games. He says that when people play video games they develop a rhythm, but when violence is thrown in it creates a dissonance which breaks the players rhythm, which in turn makes the game that much more of a challenge. Costikyan sums it up best when he says, Violence used artistically is effective; violence used crudely is vile. Tom Kalinske is the former president and CEO of Sega America, Inc. , and now works for Educational Technology, LLC. In Kalinkses speech, Video Games do not Cause Aggressive Behavior in Children, he makes some very good points on why people might think that video games are bad. Kalinske poses a very good point in his speech where he says, Parents and educators who look casually at boys playing out fighting games are quick to condemn because the content of the games mirrors real societal problems. But to jump to the conclusion that game content leads to really inappropriate behavior is like speculating that students studying the Napoleonic Wars may lay siege to their neighborhood. Kalinske argues that parents fear technology because they have less of an understanding of it than their children, and those who think that kids will emulate the violence seen within the video games that they play have a very pessimistic view of kids. Kalinske also makes a very good argument about how video games can improve academic performance. He says that beating a video game takes more than good hand-eye coordination. It takes good puzzle solving, critical thinking, deductive reasoning, and problem solving skills, which all happen to be key skills for academic success. I think that Kalinske has many good points in his speech that will help me in writing my paper. David Deutsch is a physicist at the University of Oxford. He is a Visiting Professor in the Department of Atomic and Laser Physics at the Centre for Quantum Computation, Clarendon Laboratory. He pioneered the field of quantum computers, and is a proponent of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. In Deutschs interview he talks about how video games are beneficial to children, because it gives children a different and unique learning environment. Deutsch says that all the evidence that video games are bad boils down to the fact that children like them, and prima facie video games are bad. He suggests that if children like doing something so much, such as playing video games, then we should find ways to make it better and allow them to do more of it. Deutsch make a very good argument when he compares playing video games to playing the piano or playing chess. He says that all three take a lot of time to master, some more that others, and if a child is seen playing chess for long periods of time he is considered a genius, but if a child is seen playing video games for long periods of times he is stigmatized. This doesnt make sense, because all three are done for the same reason which is the impulse to understand things. Deutsch also argues the addiction to video games very well by saying that the reason why people choose to play video games so much is because the games make you engage you emotions as well as your intellect. He also gave this as a very good example, I remember once, I came back to playing the Piano after a long time, and I ended up with blood all over the keys. I saw that I had a cut, but I did not want to stop, so I carried on playing. If that had been a video game and I had been younger, people would have used that as evidence of addiction. Kevin Saunders is currently a professor at Michigan State University and is the author of two books, Violence as Obscenity: Limiting the Medias First Amendment Protection and Saving Our Children from the First Amendment. He has authored dozens of book chapters, law review articles, and commentaries in legal and popular periodicals. He also teaches a variety of courses and seminars on topics in Constitutional Law. In this article Saunders establishes a good topic for debate when he says that fps (first-person shooter) games create a realistic adaptation of an actual gun fight to whereas the armed forces and law enforcement agencies use fps games to train their soldiers. He then gives us a couple of examples of what these violent games can make teens do in real life. The first example is about Michael Carneal, a fourteen-year-old freshman who enjoyed playing the popular fps Doom. One morning Michael showed up at school with a stolen pistol and open fired on a group of kids. He killed three and injured eight. The second example is about Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold the two students who showed up at Columbine High School heavily armed and killed one teacher, twelve students, and injured twenty-three others. They too were avid players of the game Doom. These are both prime examples of what violent video games can do to teens. Eugene F. Provenzo, Jr. is a professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning at the University of Miami. Provenzos academic interests include the role of the teacher in American society, and the influence of computers and video games on children. His work has been reviewed in American and British media, including ABC World News Tonight, The Economist, and The New York Times. In this article Provenzo says he believes that real life simulators, such as video games, are taking kids out of the real world and teaching them about violence, and how to be violent. He argues that when teens play an fps (first-person shooter) game they virtually put themselves into an emotionless killing machine and by doing this they are behaviorally reinforced as they play the game thus being taught that its ok to shoot people. Provenzo makes a great comparison when he compares playing an fps and playing a game of paintball. He says that they are two different things because while playing paintball you can get tired and wounded, and there are serious consequences for getting out of control. When playing an fps there are no limits, players are not responsible for what they do, and there are no consequences for anybody. I think that Provenzo makes a great point when he says, Video and computer games are, in fact, highly effective teaching machines. You learn the rules, play the game, get better at it, accumulate a higher score, and eventually win. This next article is titled Video Games and Violence and it was taken from Issues and Controversies at facts. com database. The article covers both sides of the argument. It says that supporters of the legislation against violent video games say that violent video games make kids more acclimated to violence, and that violent video games cause an increase in violence within the kids. Critics of the legislation against violent video games say that our current rating system for video games is working and that video games should be protected as free speech. Within this article are some very good statistics one of which being in the year 2000 85% of minors sent to buy a video game rated M (M for Mature) were successful. Sometime after that study stores started to enforce an ID rule for M rated video games, and in the year 2003 the percentage of minors able to purchase M rated video games fell to 69%. Another good statistic within the article is that in the year 2003 out of all the video games purchased only 11. 9% were M rated games. The biggest percentage of games being bought were rated E (E for Everyone) with 54%, and in second were T (T for Teen) rated games with 30. 5%. This article brings up a very good point when it says that parenting is a big part of regulation in what youth under the age of eighteen watch and do. The video game rating system was originally put in place for parents to be able to judge what their children should be playing and to have an idea of what would be in the game that their children were playing. As you can see, with the information provided, there are many valid points around this debate. While reading Saunders and Provenzo I noticed that both of them brought up the Columbine school shooting which is a very emotional subject for some people. Kalinske and Deutsch both portray the general argument that video games can help educate teens, and video games could be a very powerful educational tool, if used correctly. All of these sources have helped me a lot in understanding more about the effects of violent video games on teens. Before my research I was not sure if I was for or against changing the rating system for video games, but now, with all this information, I will be arguing against creating a more strict rating system for video games. Works Cited Costikyan, Greg. The Problem of Video Game Violence Is Exaggerated. Video Games (2003) 25 Jan. 2007 . Deutsch, David. Playing Video Games Benefits Children. Video Games: Harmfully Addictive or a Unique Educational Environment? (1992) 02 Feb. 2007 . Kalinske, Tom. Video Games Do Not Cause Aggressive Behavior in Children. Violent children (2000) 02 Feb. 2007 . Provenzo, Eugene. Violence in Video Games Is a Serious Problem. Is Media Violence a Problem? (2002) 02 Feb. 2007 . Saunders, Kevin. Censorship Should Be Used for the Protection of Children. Censorship (2005) 05 Feb. 2007 . Video games and violence. Facts. com. (2007). Issues and Controversies. 25 Jan. 2007.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Mining Industry Composite Performance Framework

Mining Industry Composite Performance Framework The objective of this research dissertation is to provide useful and well-researched data as well as a substantial volume of heuristic information to develop a framework that will assist change managers to effectively apply and implement change in the mining and related industries. Chapter 2 introduces the research framework, research assumptions and the use and justification of case study methodologies. 5.2 Research framework. This chapter will state the research assumptions and the methodologies used in this research. Case studies as a methodology will be considered and justified. This research has embraced a qualitative phenomenological paradigm or an approach that concentrates on the study of consciousness and the objects of direct experience. This was undertaken by using case studies together with this researchers heuristic experience. Ontology is the philosophical field around (the study of) the nature of reality (all that is or exists, the reality), and the different entities and categories within reality. Epistemology is the philosophical field around (the study of) knowledge and how to reach it. One might say that it includes the ontology of knowledge. The difference between oncology and epistemology is that ontology is what reality actually is, whilst epistemology is what we perceive and describe reality to be. By making use of case studies both the ontological as well as the epistemological assumptions are fulfilled. It is the experience of this researcher that by having an articulated vision for change, team members can prepare themselves for accepting the change as well as understanding and accepting their involvement and contribution to future change. Well-managed change is the continuum to success. The new direction and vision must be defined in clear concise terms, to allow everyone concerned to be able to accept and even look forward to the change. All levels within the organisation should have an input relevant to their experience; this creates a sense of ownership. In fact, all employees should be encouraged to provide their input. The two paradigms generally used for research are quantitative and qualitative research. The available literature on change management relating to the mining and associated industries is limited. Qualitative research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research. The quantitative research was not deemed suitable for this research because statistical measurement of outcomes were not deemed suitable, since the only measure would have been fiscal in nature and not suitable for publication. Qualitative research is also used to reveal trends in thought and opinions, and delve deeper into the problem. Qualitative data collection methods vary using unstructured or semi-structured techniques. Some common methods include teams (team information dissemination meetings), individual interviews, and observation s. This researcher has used qualitative data for the case studies in order to demonstrate a practical clear and unbiased approach to implementing change management into the mining industry. Quantitative research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating data that can be transformed into useable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviours, and other defined variables and generalise results from a larger sample population. Quantitative Research uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research. The first part of this section provides an overview of the case study methodology, and this is followed by a justification for the use of the case studies as the research method for this research. Case study research brings us to an understanding of a complex issue or range of issues and can add substance to what is already known through previous research. For some years, researchers have made use of the case study research method, across a variety of disciplines. Scientists, have made wide use of this qualitative research method to examine current real-life circumstances and provide the basis for the claim of ideas and extension of methods. The well-known researcher Robert K. Yin defines the case study research method as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context; when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used (Yin, 1984, p. 23). Case study research, through reports of past studies, or even diary notes as is the case in this dissertation, demonstrates the identification, resolution and implementation of solutions to problems and issues. It can be a reliable research methodology if utilised correctly. A reason for the acceptance of case study as a research method, is that researchers in general, were becoming more anxious about the confines of quantitative methods in providing holistic and in-depth explanations of the social and behavioural problems in question. By using case study methods, a researcher is able to go beyond the quantitative statistical results and understand the behavioural conditions. By including both quantitative and qualitative data, the case study will help to explain both the process and outcome of a phenomenon through complete observation, reconstruction and analysis of the cases under investigation (Tellis, 1997). Past literature reveals the application of the case study method in many areas and disciplines. Among them include natural examples in the fields of Sociology (Grassel Schirmer, 2006), law (Lovell, 2006) and medicine (Taylor Berridge, 2006). There are also other areas that have used case study methods widely, particularly in government, management and in education. As an example, there were studies conducted to determine whether specific government programmes were efficient or whether the goals of a particular programme were reached. In many cases, a case study method selects a small geographical area or a very limited number of individuals as the subjects of study. Case studies, in their true essence, explore and case study as a research method to investigate contemporary real-life situation through detailed relative analysis. Yin (1984:23) defines the case study research method as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context; when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used. Case studies observe the specific data at the minute stages. In this research, the researcher has consulted to numerous mining companies whilst implementing change within their organisations. During these projects this researcher kept diary notes for future reference. Strategies were used that were successful in previous projects that were similar, and the culmination of the total of these is what gave rise to the CPF. Where implementation of an objective did not go according to plan, the execution methodologies were reworked to suit the particular needs of that company. The research design is more than a work standard plan. The main purpose of the design is to help to avoid the situation in which the evidence does not address the initial research questions. In this sense, a research design deals with a logical problem and not a logistical problem. As a simple example, suppose you want to study a single organisation. The research questions, however, have to do with the mining organisations relationships with other organisations or divisions as well as their competitive or collaborative nature. Only three cases studies were adopted for this dissertation in order to show that the CPF can work in varied environments, in different countries with success. In these case studies a sample of mining operations were taken from a broad spectrum of mines, countries and stages of development as detailed in section 5.6. The objective of this research is to identify issues within the greater mining industry and then offer plausible and workable solutions to implementing change in the industry that will be sustainable, and facilitate productivity in the process. Much of the solutions are derived from this researchers own experience in implementing change in mining companies. There is a gap in the literature with regard to what has been researched in this dissertation, and this dissertation will partially fill that gap. This researcher is of the considered opinion that the Composite Performance Framework which he developed over many years is far more suited and adaptable to the mining industry. It is correct to assume that the Kotter 8 step process will work well in many situations, as can be seen above. References Kotter, J. (1996). Leading Change. [Kindle Edition]. Retrieved from http://Amazon.com Larkin, DJ. Larkin S. (2006). 3rd edn. Communicating big change. Larkin communication consulting. Larkin, DJ. Larkin S. (Unspecified date). Communicating change to employees, Sponsored by:ÂÂ   the Australian human resources institute Larkin, DJ. (Dr.) Larkin S.(2006) Communicating Big Change. Larkin Communication Consulting. 3rd Edn. Wood, I. Maxwell, J.M. 2006. 22. John Wiley Sons. Australia. 1st Austr Wood, Zeffane, Fromholtz, Fitzgerald, Schermerhorn, JR. Hunt, JG. Osborn, RN. (2006). Organisational behaviour; core concepts applications. John Wiley sons. Australia. Yin, R.K. (1984). Case study research: Design and methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Tellis, Winston, (1997). Introduction to Case Study. The Qualitative Report, Volume 3, Number 2, July. (http://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/QR3-2/tellis1.html). Lovell, G.I., (2006). Justice Excused: The Deployment Of Law In Everyday Political Encounters. Law Society Review, 40 (2): 283-324 June.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Overview of the Olympics :: Sports History Athletics Essays

Overview of the Olympics The Olympic Games are an international sports competition. In the Olympics, athletes play in many types of games. Some athletes compete in the Summer Olympics. Some compete in the Summer Olympics. The Olympic Games are very old and have a very interesting history. The first Olympic Games were held in Greece in ancient times. They probably began in the sixth century B.C. The contests are held every four years in the summer. The first games lasted for only one day. There was only one contest. It was a short race. Only Greek men were allowed to run in the race. Women were not allowed to watch the games either, or to be anywhere near the gaming area. Other events were added later, swimming. But the ancient games were stopped in the fourth century, A.D., when Greece was ruled by Rome. The Olympics were started again in the nineteenth century, after Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a Frenchman, who later being recognized as the Father of Modern Olympics, suggested that it would be good to have the game again, but not just for Greek People. De Coubertin organized a meeting in 1894. Representatives from nine countries went to the meeting in Paris. They agreed to start the Olympic Games again in Athens, Greece, in 1896. The Olympic Games have been held every four years since 1896. Three times, the games were not held because of a world war. There were no games in 1916, 1940, and 1944. The first competition in modern times was held in Athens, but not all of the games have been held there. The Olympic Games are held in many different cities around the world. The 2008 Olympic will be held in Beijing, China. Baron de Coubertin also started a committee to run the Olympics. This committee is called the International Olympic Committee (IOC). It has offices in Lausanne, Switzerland. The Committee has made many decisions that affect the modern Olympics. In 1912, the Committee decided to allow women to compete. In 1924, a second group of games was begun. These new games were played in the winter of each Olympic year. The IOC also makes the rules for athletes in the Olympics. The events and games of the Olympics are of several different types. There are individual contests, where each athlete plays alone. To win this type of contests, one athlete must be better, faster, or stronger than other athletes.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Lasting Effect of Sin and Guilt on Hester and Dimmesdale Essays

Without an honorable reputation a person is not worthy of respect from others in their society. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter, the struggle to shake off the past is an underlying theme throughout the novel. Characters in this novel go through their lives struggling with trying to cope with the guilt and shame associated with actions that lost them their honorable reputation. Particularly, Hawthorne shows the lasting effect that sin and guilt has on two of the main characters in the book: Hester Prynne and Reverend Dimmesdale. Hester Prynne's guilt is the result of her committing adultery, which has a significant effect on her life. Hester is publicly seen with the scarlet letter when she first emerges out of the cold dark prison. "It had the effect of a spell, taking her out of the ordinary relations with humanity and enclosing her in a sphere by herself" (49). The spell that is mentioned is the scarlet letter, "so fantastically embroidered and illuminated upon her bosom" (49). The scarlet letter is what isolates her from everyone else because it symbolizes sin. Hester is in her very own sphere, where her sin affects her livelihood and has completely cut her off from the world. Her entrance into the sphere marks the beginning of her guilt and it occurs when she is in the prison after her first exposure to the crowd. The prison marks the beginning of a new life for Hester, a life full of guilt and seclusion. Her problem is that her shame is slowly surfacing while she faces the crowd realizing that she has been stripped of all her pride and everything that was important to her in the past. The lasting effect of Hester's sin is the shame that she now embodies due to her committing adultery. The shame that is ass... ...is the guilt, which they are left with in the end. On the fateful day where the two committed adultery, they had no idea that this mistake would turn out to be like an ominous black cloud that they would never be able to escape from. When they chose to have Pearl, they unknowingly signed a contract that said they would have to suffer with their guilty conscience as a consequence for having Pearl. At the time, they did not think that they would feel much guilt, but when the word got out that Hester had a baby, everything changed. The mistake had been made and they would now be forced to live with it whether they liked it or not. In the end, Hester and Dimmesdale both sacrifice their peaceful lives to live with the guilt of giving birth to a child who should have never been born. Works Cited Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York: Bantam, 1986.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Magnatism & The Things We Think We Know About It! :: essays research papers

Magnatism & the Things We THINK We Know About It! Magnatism is a wonderous natural phenomanon. Since days before scientific discoveries were even written down the world has been playing with the theories of magnatism. In these three labs we delt with some of the same ideas which have pondered over for long before any of us were around. In these conclusions we will take a look at these ideas and find out what exactly we have learned. To understand the results of the lab we must first go over the facts about magnatism on the atomic level that we have discovered. The way magnatism works is this: magnatism is all based on the simple principle of electrons and there behavior. Electrons move around the atom in a specific path. As they do this they are also rotating on there own axis. This movement causes an attraction or repultion from the electrons that are unpaird. They are moving in two directions though causing a negative and positive charge. In the case of magnatism though we find that these elements have a lot of unpaired electrons, in the case of iron, Fe, there are four. What happens then in the case of a natural magnet the unpaired electrons line up or the magnet in a specific mannor. That is all the atoms with unpaired electrons moving in a direction which causes a certain charge are lined up on one side and all the atoms with the opposite charge move to the other side. The atoms then start to cancel each other out as they approach the center of the magnet. This all happens at the currie point where these atoms are free to move and then when cooled and the metel becomes solid the atoms can no longer move (barely) causing a "permanent" magnet (as in the diagram on the next page). This same principle can be applied to a piece of metal that has been sitting next to a magnatized piece of metel in that over the long time they are togather the very slow moving atoms in the metal situate in the same fassion also creating a magnet. Now that we know the basics lets begin with the experiments. Part one of the lab started us on our journey. In this part we took an apparatus with wire wrapped around it put a compass in the middle of the wire wraps. The setup was arranged so that the wraps were running parralel with the magnetic field of the earth, that is they were north-south. With this setup we

Monday, September 16, 2019

Outdoor Advertising Association of the Philippines Essay

Outdoor Advertising Association of the Philippines (OAAP) became one of the sectoral members of Adboard on May 1974. The history of outdoor advertising dates back during prehistoric times when man carved stone plates to communicate ideas by displaying them in public places. Hence, outdoor advertising was already present and regarded as a primary medium of advertising before print ads and radio broadcasting has been introduced in the industry. Billboard operators and owners coordinated to form a dynamic organization in an effort to promote growth and improvement in Philippine outdoor advertising. Thus, OAAP was established on August 13, 1964 along with the creation of the Code of Ethics. The Code takes an eight-point framework which standardizes the structures and operating practices of outdoor advertising displays. It stresses urgent need to fall within governmental policies, objectives and code of ethical conduct. †¢ Avoid installing billboards/advertisements of competing products or firms side by side or on the same line of vision; †¢ All outdoor signs must be properly identified; †¢ temporary structure erected on proposed locations to identify the actual site of construction must be respected; †¢ Avoid the installation of a board to cover another board. As to outdoor advertising copy, it shall not in any way contain a statement or convey messages or visual displays that are: †¢ Obscene or offensive to public decency; †¢ False, misleading or deceptive; †¢ Offensive to the moral standards of the community; and †¢ Violative of any national or local law. OAAP has 89 active members all over the Philippines, 63 in Metro Manila, 15 in Cebu City and 13 in the newly-formed Mindanao Chapter. The following are some of its regular members: OAAP has 89 active members all over the Philippines, 63 in Metro Manila, 15 in Cebu City and 13 in the newly-formed Mindanao Chapter.

Cirque Du Soleil Essay

1. Cirque du Soleil does not have a product, they have a diverse, creative, critical thinking, artist works company; a circus without animals. Within this company, this show allows their featured unique artists, to tap into their creative side and create magic for an audience. Cirque du Soleil aims to create the greatest shows onstage all around the world. The core for a functioning Cirque du Soleil is behind the scenes, with artists and staff. Recruiting these people seems to be a challenge for this ever diverse world we live in. Recruiting and hiring these staff members for Cirque du Soleil is difficult because not many people will just run away to the circus. This lifestyle is an ever changing one, with artists of different cultures and diverse backgrounds. It cannot always be an easy mix for everyone to get along. It takes a special kind of person with that magic in their eyes, that will keep evolving and keep being an asset to the ever changing show. Although it is the same lifestyle these employees will be part of, they service two completely different jobs. Artists perform for the audience, whereas staff is simply there to serve the artists needs. Recruiting for this job takes time, the director Cantin has even traveled to twenty countries in search of local talent. In terms of recruiting and hiring staff, again asking someone to uproot themselves, for little pay, to cater to extremely unique artists demands can be a challenging proposition. Creating extensive rewards for these employees is key. The owners of this company have taken time to understand what the needs are of their staff and artists. Compensation such as free meals and board, as well as the opportunities to improve a talent or passion are aspects of this company where they continue to grow positively. From this article I would say that this company takes extensive time to evaluate and understand the needs of everyone they have on board. In the small market Cirque du Soleil services, it is essential every performer or staff member is â€Å"fit† for the company. This market seeks out individuals who are qualified mentally, and physically for the strenuous changing show and lifestyle. They search for people who are ready to hit the ground running and jump into shows. Here employees are encouraged to discover their magic and embrace their talents, in fact Cirque provides outlets to bring your talents to the next level. They want employees to be able to continuously develop as well as have clear heads of stereotypes. % quit: %15 %quit x current population : 15% x 475 = 71.25 = 72 Artists left: 475-72=403†¨Future demand: 500†¨Needed (500-403= 97) Keeping employees happy enough to stay is and will continue to be a problem for Cirque du Soleil. This problem will affect retention because, if employees are not happy, they will leave. If employees leave, there may not be enough staff to sustain the upcoming show, but the show must go on. This problem could potentially lead to a default product, a poor performance. Cirque provides an environment with different experiences constantly with no fixed structure but to allow artists to tap fully into who they are. By designating a heavy amount of time for managing the artists needs and analyzing what what would make there experience even better. Cirque du Soleil aims to create an environment with the best possible conditions that you don’t want to leave. By retaining employees core artists to the Cirque shows have and can obtain more hands on experience out in the world. Recruiting employees cost money and time. When artists are better at their job they provide stability within the company for a better transitional environment for new employees. Employees will effectively be able to teach each other the ropes, or provide support for one another. The concept is for artists to learn together. With the wide diversity of ethnicity, or gender it can be problematic to find employee who are non stereotype. Those who are open to all cultures. Compensation and benefits however is variable because income becomes an issue. Cirque has a variety of shows and venues that do not always provide steady pay. With that being said its hard to keep up with the rewarding benefits Cirque boasts about, such as providing new experiences. By giving the artists more say, a greater employee output is achieved, with higher job satisfaction, keeps employees. To solve its retention problems Cirque’s benefits heavily outweigh their drawbacks. Ultimately providing the best work environment than anyone in their competing market. Finding talent i is the second current problem Cirque is facing. Cirque du Soleil has created a name for themselves serving as a business that lets you play to your full potential as an artist. In doing so they created an even more diverse product that makes it hard to find that diamond in the rough in cities and continents. This problems affects staffing mostly because they have created a name for themselves that their brand is a luxury good, possibly making artists perceive their company as unachievable. Perspective employees want to work with the best performers around. Now that the company has made a name for themselves, they are hiring staff with more direct experience instead of performers with potential. With a changing and diverse work force this poses a problem within staffing. In creating diversity, gaps in language and background quickly becomes an issue. Training and development problems are solved by having current employees that have open mindsets about other cultures, providing a more welcoming environment. People coming from different socioeconomic backgrounds I would imagine feel secure in knowing they at least have paid meal and board. The shows performances cannot continue to increase levels of diversity without new talent. The current employees care about quality of their product. By having varying levels of skill and ability this could be exciting for new artist morale. Also by having a good training system to develop and articulate performances would provide a great benefit to perspective employees. The movement to keep the excitement alive is on!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Creativity in Critical Thinking Essay

In the health care profession, the skills, and abilities to think critically are an essential component of professional accountability and quality care. In order to manage the complexity of the work environment, and patient care issues, critical thinking will enable nurses think more effectively, and work through challenges to achieve the best possible results. There are many ways critical thinking can be used in nursing profession. Critical thinkers in nursing, demonstrate habits of the mind include flexibility, creativity, inquisitiveness, intellectual integrity, intuition, open-mindedness, perseverance, and reflection to manage complex matters in the health care arena (Rubenfeld, Scheffer, 2010). Nurses use creativity, one of the habits of mind in critical thinking to educate their patients. Example of Creative Thinking in Patient Education To provide safe care to the patients, nurses must utilize critical thinking abilities in the assessment of patient issues, the planning of care, and the implementation of care. Careful examination of all the aspects of patient care helps the nurse to reach a better outcome imparting education for the patient. When providing education or information to a patient, the nurses apply creative thinking, by using the counseling dialogues help the patient raise questions of why, how, and who. The nurses guide patients through identifying, and exploring the problem, consider the patient’s choices, choose a plan of action, and evaluate the results (Ranklin, 2005). For example, reducing falls in the inpatient unit. Fall risk assessment is a key safety issue in many inpatients. Identifying the risk for fall on patient admission, and implementing measures and reevaluate the patient is essential to prevent falls on the unit. Moreover educating the patient and families is a necessary step in preventing patient falls. Evaluation of an Example of Creative Thinking The presented example is a way of creative thinking to impart education to the patients. Firstly, visual observation of the at-risk patients helps the staff, patients, and families to prevent falls. Identification tools on the doors, at the bedside, yellow socks, and falls band on the arms enable the health care professionals to target implementation of fall prevention to the patients. The sign at the bedside which says, â€Å"Please call, do not fall†, and the bed alarm reminds the patients and their families that, they are at risk for falling. Participating communication with other health care personals regarding fall risk in a regular shift report, and creating visual cues in the patients’ rooms, alarm the nurses and other health care professionals to prevent patients getting harm from falling. Justification of Creativity in Critical Thinking Creative thinking helps the nursing professionals identify biological, behavioral and environmental risk factors. Patient fall is preventable by implementing effective, and creative fall prevention programs, and thus help the patients live better. Creative thinkers must have knowledge of the clinical problem. They should have the ability of assessing the present problem, and be knowledgeable about the underlying cause, and be able to overcome the situation. Creativity in critical thinking boosts the nurse’s ability to modify, and expand the existing knowledge in patient related situations. In creative thinking, health care professionals take initiative, examine strategies to use, and recognize the consequences of strategies, and make the decision. Creative thinking remains a key ingredient for individualized client care. In that nurse identifies the specific need of each patient, and makes interventions specific to those needs. Without creative thinking, nursing care would become consistent and routine. There is a strong relationship between critical and creative thinking. In order to provide education to the needy clients, nurses’ needs to utilize critical intelligence and to be a critical thinker (Daniels, 2004). Hence, hospitalized patients need an individual assessment when educating them. It is important that, nurse must learn to utilize critical thinking skills natural way when providing care to the patients.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Prehistoric civilization in the philippine

A powerful and highly civilised nation comes in contact with a barbaric and isolated people, who have nevertheless advanced many steps on the road of progress, it would naturally be thought that the superior and conquering race would endeavour to collect and place on record information concerning such people: their manners, customs, language, religion, and traditions. Unfortunately, in the case of the Spanish conquests of the sixteenth century, that nation appears never to have considered it a duty to hand down to posterity any detailed description of the singularly interesting races they had vanquished.As it was with the Guanches of the Canaries, the Aztecs of Mexico, and the Quichuas of Peru, so was it with the Chamorro of the Ladrones, and the Tagalo-Bisaya tribes of the Philippines. The same Vandal spirit that prompted the conquistadores to destroy the Maya and Aztec literature also moved them to demolish the written records of the Philippine natives, and but few attempts were ma de to preserve relics or information concerning them.The Spanish priests, as the lettered men of those times, were the persons we should look to for such a work, but in their religious ardour they thought only of the ubjugation and conversion of the natives, and so, with the sword in one hand, and crucifix in the other, they marched through that fair land, ignoring and destroying the evidences of a strange semi-civilisation which should have been to them a study of the deepest interest. Fortunately, however, there were a few in that period who were interested in such matters, and who wrote accounts of the state of culture of the islanders of that early date.Some of these MSS. have been preserved in the archives of Manila, and have lately attracted the attention of Spanish scholars. Such is the article from which the greater part of these notes are taken. In the volume for 1891 of the Revista Ibero-Americana, published at Madrid, there appeared a series of papers contributed by the B ishop of Oviedo, and entitled â€Å"La antigua civilizacion de las Islas Filipinas,† in which he gives a very interesting description of the natives and their mode of life.The source of this information is – 119 an old folio manuscript written on rice-paper in the year 1610 from data collected at the period of the Spanish conquest of the Philippines by Legaspi. It is extended to the ear 1606, and relates minutely the condition of the islanders prior to the arrival of the Spanish. The codex is divided into five books, and these again into 183 capitulos or chapters.The writer lived in the group for twenty-nine years in order to complete his work, which is authorised by authentic signatures of responsible persons. Extracts have also been made from Miguel de Lo-arca's account of the Philippines written in 1583, Dampier's voyage in the Pinckerton collection, and Antonio de Morga's â€Å"Sucesesos de las Islas Filipinas† The first historical existence of the Malay pro per is traced to Menangkabau in theArchipelago, and by their vigour, energy, and skill have made themselves masters of the original inhabitants. At an early period they probably received instruction from Hindoo immigrants in the arts of working metals, spinning, weaving, ;c. As to the whence of the various Malayan tribes of the Philippines, it is most probable that they originally reached the archipelago from Borneo, or the Malay Peninsula. From northern Borneo the Sulu islands form a series of stepping-stones across to Mindanao.As the Tagalo language is looked upon as one of the purest of Malay ialects, and contains the least number of Sanscrit words, it may be inferred from this that the race has occupied the islands from an early date. It is possible that the first settlers were carried thither by ocean currents, and that the Kuro Siwo, or Black Current, which sweeps up past Luzon is also responsible for the existence of the Kabaran (a Malay tribe) in Formosa.From ancient times b oats and men have drifted up from the Malay Islands to Japan, and W. E. Griffis, in his â€Å"Mikado's Empire,† states that Shikoku and Kiushiu were inhabited by a mixed race descended from people who had come from Malaysia and South-Eastern Asia. It is most probable that Micronesia was settled from the Philippine Group, which thus became the meeting ground of the northern migration of Polynesians from Samoa, and the Micronesians proper.The Spanish codex before mentioned states that the Tagalo-Bisaya tribes were thought to be derived from the coasts of Malabar and Malacca, and that, according to tradition, they arrived at the islands in small vessels called barangayan, under the direction of dato or maguinoo (chiefs or leaders), who retained their chieftainship after the landing as the basis of a social organisation of a tribal kind, nd that every barangay (district or tribal division) was composed of about fifty families.Nothing definite appears to have been obtained from th eir traditions as to the original habitat of the race, and this may be accounted for by the supposition that the migration occurred at a remote period, and that all knowledge of their former home was lost. When a migratory – 120 race takes possession of new regions it maintains little or no correspondence with those left behind; thus in time they forget their old habitations, and their geographical knowledge is reduced to obscure and fading traditions.On arriving at their new home the invaders must have ejected the indigenous Aieta from the low-lying country, and driven them back into the mountains. Juan de Salcedo, the Cortes of the Philippines, in his triumphal march round the island of Luzon, was unable to conquer many of the hill tribes, both Aieta and Tagalo, some of whom have remained independent until the present time. The Spanish Government forbade all intercourse with these mountaineers on pain of one hundred lashes and two years' imprisonment, and this edict had the effect of preserving the ruder, non- agricultural hill-races.This invading race of Malays was divided into many different tribes, the principal ones being the Tagalo of Luzon and the Bisaya of the southern isles. The Tagalo or Ta-Galoc were the most numerous, and were endowed with all the valour and politeness which can be expected in a semi-civilised people. The Pampango and but easily civilised. The Bisaya were also called Pintados or â€Å"painted ones,† by the Spanish, from their custom of tatooing the body. Within this community of tribes there are numerous differences of dialects and customs, clothing, character, and physical structure, which in many cases indicate obvious traces of foreign mixture.As a race, the Philippine natives of the Malayan tribes are of moderate stature, well- formed, and of a coppery-red colour, or, as De Morga quaintly describes them, â€Å"They were of the colour of boiled quinces, having a clever disposition for anything they undertook: sha rp, choleric, and resolute. † Both men and women were in the habit of anointing and perfuming their long black hair, which they wore gathered in a knot or roll on the back of the head. The women, who were of pleasing appearance, adorned their hair with Jewels, and also wore ear-pendants and finger-rings of gold.The men ad little or no beard, and both sexes were distinguished for their large, black eyes. The Zambales, or Beheaders, shaved the front part of the head, and wore on the skull a great lock of loose hair, which custom also obtained among the ancient Chamorro of the Ladrones. Most of the tribes filed their teeth, and stained them black with burnt cocoanut shell; while among the Bisaya the upper teeth were bored, and the perforations filled with gold, a singular custom observed by Marco Polo in China, and which was also practised in ancient Peru and Egypt.Many of the tribes are spoken of y the early Spanish navigators as being endowed with fair intellectual capacities, possessing great powers of imitation, sober, brave, and determined. The Tagalo character, according to some later writers, is difficult to define: the – 121 craniologist and physiognomist may often find themselves at fault. They are great children, their nature being a singular combination of vices and virtues.The costume of the men consisted of a short-sleeved cotton-tunic (chinina), usually black or blue, which came below the waist, a coloured cotton waistcloth, or kilt (bahaque), extending nearly to the knees, and over this a belt or sash of silk a andbreadth wide, and terminating in two gold tassels. On the right side hung a dagger (bararao) three palms long, and double-edged, the hilt formed of ivory or gold, and the sheath of buffalo-hide. They wore a turban (potong) on the head, and also leg-bands of black reeds or vines such  ¤s are seen among the Papuans of New Guinea.Chains, bracelets (calombiga), and armlets of gold, cornelian and agate were much worn, and he was reckoned a poor person who did not possess several gold chains. Hernando Requel, writing home to Spain, stated: â€Å"There is more gold in this island of Luzon than there is iron in Biscay. † The Tinguiane had a peculiar custom of wearing tightly-compressed bracelets, which stopped the growth of the forearm, and caused the hand to swell. Women wore the top's, a bordered and ornamented cloth wrapped round the body, which was confined by a belt, and descended to the ankles.The bust was covered with a wide- sleeved camisita, or frock (baro), to which was sometimes added a handkerchief. The women of Luzon were without head-dress, but made use of a parasol of palm-leaves (payong). Among the Bisaya the women wore a small cap or hood, and in the slaves. Both sexes wore the same dress among the Ilocanos, the chief article of attire eing a loose coat (cabaya) similar to those of the Chinese. The dress of the Chiefs' wives was more elegant than that of women of the common people (tim aguas). They wore white robes, and others of crimson silk, plain or interwoven with gold, and trimmed with fringes and trinkets.From their ears were suspended golden pendants of excellent workmanship, and on their fingers and ankles were massive gold rings set with precious stones. The timaguas and slaves went barefooted, but the upper class wore shoes, the women being daintily shod with velvet shoes embroidered with gold. Both men and women were very cleanly and elegant in their persons and dress, and of a goodly mien and grace; they took great pains with their hair, rejoicing in its blackness, washing it with the boiled bark of a tree called gogo, and anointing it with musk oil and other perfumes. They bathed daily, and looked upon it as a remedy for almost every complaint. On the birth of a child the mother repaired to the nearest stream, and bathed herself and the little one, after which she returned to her ordinary occupation. Women were well treated among these people, and had for heir employment domestic work, needlework†in which they – 122 excelled†the spinning and weaving of silk and cotton into various fabrics, and also the preparation of the hemp, palm, and anana fibres.The Philippine natives, with the exception of some of the hill tribes, were diligent agriculturalists, this being their chief occupation. In some mountainous regions they adopted a system of terrace cultivation similar to that of China, Peru, and Northern Mexico in bygone times, and which may also be seen in Java. They cultivated rice, sweet potatoes, bananas, cocoanuts, sugar-cane, palms, various vegetable roots and ibrous plants. They hunted the buffalo, deer, and wild boar. The flesh of the buffalo, or karabao, was preserved for future use by being cut into slices and dried in the sun, when it was called tapa.Rice was prepared by being boiled, then pounded in a wooden mortar and pressed into cakes, thus forming the bread of the country. They made palm wine (alac or mosto) from the sap of various species of palms. Food was stored in raised houses similar to the pataka of the Maori. The first fruits of the harvest were devoted to the deified spirits of ancestors, called anito. l The Bisaya, hen planting rice, had the singular custom of offering a portion of the seed at each corner of the field as a sacrifice.The ordinary dainty among the islanders was the buyo or betel quid, consisting of a leaf of betel pepper (tambul or Siri) smeared over with burnt lime and wrapped round a piece of areca nut (bonga). â€Å"The Filipinos,† says the old Spanish padre, â€Å"lived in houses (bahei) built of bamboo, cane, and palm leaves, and raised upon foundation-piles about six feet from the ground. † These dwellings were supplied with cane screens in the place of divisions and doors. The elevated floor, where they ate and slept, was also made of split cane, and the whole structure was secured by reeds and cords for want of nails.They ascende d to these houses by a portable ladder, which was removed when the inmates went out, a sign that no person might approach the dwelling, which was otherwise unsecured. The house was surrounded by a gallery or verandah (batalan), earthenware, and copper vessels for various purposes. They had, moreover, in their houses some low tables and chairs, also boxes called tampipi, which served for the purpose of keeping wearing apparel and Jewels. Their bedding consisted usually of mats manufactured from various fibres. The houses of the chiefs were much larger and better constructed than those of the timaguas.Many of their villages were built on the banks of rivers and the shores of lakes and harbours, so that they were surrounded by water, in the manner of the seaside dwellings of New Guinea and the Gulf of Maracaibo. Among the Tinguiane tree houses were made use of. In these they slept at night, in order to avoid being surprised by enemies, and – 123 defended themselves by hurling do wn stones upon the attacking party, exactly in the ame manner as the natives of New Britain do to this day. The external commerce of the Tagalo tribes was principally with China, of which nation there were vessels in Manila on the arrival of the Spanish.They are also said to have had intercourse with Japan, Borneo, and Siam. They had no coined money, but to facilitate trade they utilised gold as a medium of exchange in the form of dust and ingots, which were valued by weight. Magellan speaks of their system of weights and measures. These people were skilful shipwrights and navigators. The Bisaya were in the habit of making piratical forays among the isles. Their vessels were of arious kinds, some being propelled by oars or paddles, and others were provided with masts and sails.Canoes were made of large trees, and were often fitted with keels and decks, while larger vessels, called virey and barangayan were constructed of planks fastened with wooden bolts. The rowers, with busey (pad dles) or oars (gayong), timed their work to the voices of others, who sung words appropriate to the occasion, and by which the rowers understood whether to hasten or retard their work. Above the rowers was a platform (bailio) on which the fighting men stood without embarrassing the rowers, and above this again was the carang or awning. They sometimes used outriggers (balancoire) on both sides of the vessel.The lapi and tapaque were vessels of the largest kind, some carrying as many as two hundred and fifty men. The barangan, a type of vessel used from the earliest times, was singularly like those of the ancients described by Homer. Society among the Tagalo-Bisaya tribes was divided into three classes, the chiefs and nobles, the common people (timagua), and the slaves. The principal of every social group†styled maguinoo among the Tagalo, bagani by the Manobo, and dat02 by the Bisaya†was the only political, military, and Judicial authority.These chieftainships were heredit ary, and the same respect was shown to the women as to the men of the ruling families. Their power over the people was despotic, they imposed a tribute upon the harvests, and could at any time reduce a subject to slavery, or dispose of his property and children. The slaves were divided into two classes: the sanguihuileres, who were in entire servitude, as also were their children†lived and served in the houses of their masters; while the namamahayes lived in houses of their own, and only worked as slaves on special occasions, such as at harvesting and housebuilding.Among this latter class there obtained a peculiar half-bond system, and their having an only son, that child would be half free and half enslaved†that is, he would work one month for his owner and the next for himself. If they had more than one child, the first-born would – 124 follow the condition of the father, the second that of the mother, and so on. If there were uneven numbers, the last born was h alf free and half bond. Slaves were bought, sold, and exchanged like ordinary merchandise. In their social manners these people were very courteous, more especially the Luzon tribes.They never poke to a superior without removing the turban. They then knelt upon one knee, raised their hands to their cheeks, and awaited authority to speak. The hongi, or nose-pressing salutation of the Polynesians, was an ancient custom in the Philippine Group, and on the island of Timor. It also obtained among the Chamorr03 of the Ladrones, who termed it tshomiko. The Philippine natives addressed all superiors in the third person, and added to every sentence the word po, equivalent to senor.They were given to addresses replete with compliments, and were fond of the music of the cud, a guitar with two strings of copper wire. In regard to Judicial matters, all complaints were brought before the dato of the barangay (district) for examination. Though they had no written laws, they had established rules a nd customs by which all disputes were settled, and the chiefs recovered their fees by seizing the property not only of the vanquished party, but also of his witnesses.Trial by ordeal was common, the usual mode being that of plunging the arm into a vessel of boiling water and taking out a stone from the bottom; or a lighted torch was placed in the hands of the accused, and if the flame flickered towards him he was pronounced uilty. Theft was sometimes punished by death, in which case the condemned was executed by the thrust of a lance. In some cases the thief was punished by being reduced to slavery. Loans with excessive interest were ordinary, the debtor and his children often becoming enslaved to the lender. Verbal insults were punished with great severity.It was also regarded as a great insult to step over a sleeping person, and they even objected to wakening one asleep4. This seems to refer to the widespread belief of the soul leaving a sleeping body. Their worse curse was, †Å"May thou die sleeping. The male children underwent a species of circumcision at an early age, which was but preparatory to further rites. Their oaths of fidelity, in conventions of peace and friendship, were ratified by the ceremony of blood- brotherhood, in which a vein of the arm being opened, the flowing blood was drunk by the other party.Among these people was sometimes seen that singular mania for imitation called by the Javanese sakit latar, on the Amoor olon, in Siberia imuira, and in the Philippines malimali. This peculiar malady, presumably the result of a deranged nervous system, manifests itself as far as I can gather, in the following anner, the afflicted person is seized with a desire to- 125 copy or imitate the actions and movements of others, and will do the most extraordinary and ridiculous things to attain his object.The despair induced by this strange mania and its consequent ridicule, urges the unfortunate to end his life in the dreaded Amok. These unfortunates were sometimes attacked by the amok frenzy. Is is certain that gold and copper mines have been worked in the islands from early implements, and the gold was formed into ornaments, or used as a medium of exchange. The ruder mountain tribes brought much gold from the interior, and raded it to the lowland people in exchange for various coveted articles.Several of the tribes were in the habit of tatooing the body, the Bisaya being the most noted for the practice. The Catalangan Iraya used for tatoo patterns, and as decorations for sacred places certain marks and characters which appeared to be of Chinese or Japanese origin. The Iraya proper used only straight and simple curved lines like those of the Aieta. The Ysarog (Issar ¶), a primitive race of mountaineers who have been isolated for centuries, are said by later writers to resemble the Dyaks of Borneo.Time was reckoned in former days by suns and moons, and feasts were held on the occurrence of certain astronomical phenomena. Brass gongs were much used at these feasts, and also on war expeditions. Such are some of the notes collected in reference to this interesting race. These Tagalo, these Bisaya, these Pampango, and Cagayane were despised by their Iberian conquerors as being ignorant savages; but, as the good old padre says in his MS. , they were worthy of being placed on a superior level to certain ancient people who possess a more illustrious fame. And who shall say it was not so ?